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Mission and Values
           Our vision is to become a respected global paper company that provides superior values to our customers, community and  employees  - responsibly and sustainability.

  Our focus on strong leadership at every level of the company creates a positive and inclusive culture that benefits our employees, customers, communities, and shareowners.


The most important measure of our success is to have all employees and contractors arrive home safely at the end of each day. In order to accomplish our goal of accident-free operations, we must provide safe working conditions and equipment and ensure safe behaviors.


We have a responsibility for the continued success of our company, the safety of our colleagues and neighbors, and the responsible use of natural resources. We place the highest value on health and safety, and engage our supply chain in a safe and responsible manner.



         We want to make our world a better place. We are responsible neighbors, environmental stewards, and contributing members of the communities where we live and work. We are responsible for ensuring that our shared natural resources are available for generations to come, and that we continue to be a force for good in our communities.


          We are committed to ethical behavior and personal integrity. We meet the letter and the spirit of rules and regulations. We meet our commitments and we are accountable for all we do.


Keywords: Waste Paper | Waste Plastic Removal | Waste Carton |Packaging Materials | Paper and Paper Products | Waste Paper | Waste Management | Offshore Waste Management | Shredding | Cleaning and Janitorial Services | Hazardous and Non Hazardous Waste
Waste Management | Waste Management and Environmental Services | Waste Paper |,Cardboard Recycling,Printer's Waste Recycling
Sorted Office Paper Recycling,Sorted White Ledger Recycling,Uncoated Groundwood Flyleaf Recycling,

Double Line Kraft Recycling,Newspaper Recycling,Tissue Recycling,shredding service,Corrugated cardboard papers, Newspapers, Magazines, Phone books, Printed paper, Office paper, Wine boxes, fruit boxes are recyclable.

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